
Handshake helps students find jobs, and it's free for anyone attending Seattle Colleges. Explore career options, find jobs and internships, and connect with employers.

Log in to Handshake

 screen capture of Handshake info website

About Handshake

Handshake is a job and internship search app specifically for college students.

 Screen capture of Handshake login page

Getting Started with Handshake

It's easy to get started, and best of all it's free.

 women at a computer screen

Where do I go if I need support using Handshake?

Career Services staff at North, Central, and South can help.

 hands typing on a laptop computer

Ten Steps to Becoming a Handshake Pro

These steps will get you well on your way.

 two people at computers giving a fist-bump and smiling

Handshake for Employers

Recruit students at all three of our colleges through our Seattle Colleges profile.

 A diverse group of four people smiling and interacting with each other, two of whom are shaking hands

Handshake and Headshots Networking Events

A series of networking events in May for current students.